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Monday 4 November 2013

Arsenal Step Up Interest In Striker After Andrade Admission Arsenal are set to step up their efforts to sign Alexandre Pato after Corinthians director Roberto de Andrade admitted the club are willing to sell the striker this January. Newspaper reports in recent days have linked both us and rivals Tottenham with the former AC Milan forward, who moved to Corinthians just 11 months ago after ending a six-year stay at the San Siro. Pato revealed just last week that he turned down the chance to join Spurs in the summer while Gunners boss Arsene Wenger is believed to be in the market for a new front man when the transfer window re-opens this winter and Pato is on his radar. Andrade feels it would difficult for the 24-year-old to move to another Brazilian side but admitted he could be sold if Arsenal or Spurs come in with a substantial offer. “Given his value, I think it is difficult for him to move to another Brazilian club,” “If the two clubs [Arsenal and Tottenham] are interested in Pato we do not exclude to sell him during the winter transfer market.” Andrade is quoted as saying in theStar The Star claim that we will now step up our interest in the Brazilian international following this admission and hope to beat Tottenham to his signature. A new striker is a must in January and Pato would be a decent addition to the squad. He’s a huge talent and would certainly be an asset, so hopefully we could do a deal with Corinthians and bring him in this January.

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