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Saturday 17 November 2018


Many at times, we often concentrate or focus too much on our weaknesses, incapacities, inabilities and every other negative thing about us that we leave out the place of singing praises of our strength, ingenuity and things God has endowed us with.

Psalms 139:14 says ...I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works...

Some people always want to be another person forgetting the fact that they have no carbon copy, they are unique, special, peculiar and belong to a royal family of the awesome God!

Don't hate the shape of your nose, your round or square face, your jointed or spacious teeth, body shape...

God says you're perfect and beautiful!
He says you're one of a kind.
He sees you and says, whao! You're good!
He calls you his image and glory (1 Cor 11:17, Gen 1:27)
He says you're fearfully and wonderfully made by Him (Psalms  139:14)

Whose report would you believe? A friend's, yours or God's?

Do have a wonderful weekend.

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