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Friday 16 November 2018

Serving God effectively and still doing well in academics as students

*Someone once asked a question, How can we serve God more effectively and still do well in academics*

I've also found myself in such situation before in fact, even now but God is helping me.

Going through the scripture, not all Christ's disciples were full time disciples in the sense that not all needed to drop their profession to serve God. (Capacity varies)

The major things to consider here are
1. *what is God saying?* Ministry differs though they all have some things in common. Paul's ministry was quite different from Stephen's or Philip's. *1 Cor 12:4,6-28*

Many at times, we could be more zealous than God himself.😂

2. *Understand your purpose! It is key*, know what God has for you and comprehend the fact that your fellowship with Him is most important.

3. Your coming to school and going through school might be the *necessary building process you need to function* to the end.
Check the lives of the notable men of God we have today, even in our country Nigeria.  *_Ecc10:10 ...wisdom is profitable to direct._*

4. Be sensitive to God's voice and be ready to take up challenges.

5. Lastly, *Ecclesiastes  9:10*  _Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, *do it with thy might*;_

Try as much as possible not to allow any of them (academics&Ministry) suffer, you need both!

*May God help us all.* 🙏🏻🙏🏻
It is well. Amen


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