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Friday 16 November 2018

Depression: an enemy you must run from!!

Over the years, I've met with students like myself especially 100L students(Freshmen), all thanks to God for Student Life Movement.

One of the most rampant struggle students deal with is depression!

Let me make this known, I've been through this also, since my secondary school days; gotta walk some distance to school and back, school fees weren't paid on time, little finance to cater for what I wanted and the likes.  But thank God for my Mum, who always gave me the assurance and hope that  tomorrow would be better.

I've been there too, enrolling in a federal school though fees weren't that much but then, general upkeep become an issue to deal with; when money wasn't coming from home, school results weren't smiling, no one to truly open up to, it's like the whole world is on you.

At a point I got to understand that no one is free from this topic, I remember discussing with my senior brother and our conclusion that day was that whenever you begin to feel your problem or challenge is the toughest or most difficult then, you need an urgent help, else you'll commit suicide soonest.

In order to help myself and others, I've decided, intentionally to make my own problems secondary and others, primary...

*To be continued...*

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