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Monday, 20 June 2016

Famous Quotes on Prayer

1. "God does nothing except in response to believing prayer."
John Wesley

2. "Prayer is where the action is." John Wesley

3. "The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will
make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in
history." Andrew Murray

4. "Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving
Christian." Andrew Murray

5. "We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of
prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the
Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth."
Andrew Murray

6. "Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship
God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He
delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of
your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things!"
Andrew Murray

7. "...True prayer is measured by weight, not by length. A
single groan before God may have more fullness of prayer in
it than a fine oration of great length." C. H. Spurgeon

8. "If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must
remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding
union with the Lord Jesus Christ." C. H. Spurgeon

9. "Prayer can never be in excess." C. H. Spurgeon

10. “In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than
words without a heart. ” John Bunyan

11. " The word of God is the food by which prayer is
nourished and made strong." E. M. Bounds

12. "Prayer is not learned in a classroom but in the closet." E.
M. Bounds

13. "Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to
God for men is greater still." E.M. Bounds

14. "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the
greater work." Oswald Chambers.

15. "I have seen many men work without praying, though I
have never seen any good come out of it; but I have never
seen a man pray without working." James Hudson Taylor