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Friday 8 January 2016


“For decades sincere believers have asked, "Why don't we have revival?" And for decades the answer has
always been the same: We don't have revival because we're willing to live without it! It really is that
simple. Do we really want to hear the truth? God responds to hunger and thirst. He fills those who
recognize their need, who are empty and broken, who are at the point of desperation, who are panting
for Him the way a deer pants for water in the desert. He answers dependent prayers. Sure, we want
revival. But we don't need revival. That's the difference. God will meet us at our point of need, not our
point of preference. Revival is God's radical measure to get the church in a given area or at a given time
back to normal before it falls into spiritual oblivion and cultural irrelevance. Revival comes when we
realize that it's either revival or death, revival or continued backsliding, revival or the world around us
goes to hell.” In this above quote from Michael Brown, he really speaks to the high requirement for
revival namely in one word: Everything! Oh Brethren we must realize that this has always been so, there
are no shortcuts with God, we will never see a revival until this is realized and acted upon. In light of
eternity let us have tears for our lack of desire and desperation for God. John Knox was a Great Man of
God and this was his prayer, " God give me Scotland or I die!" Again, John Hyde who was a missionary,
prayed, " God give me souls or I die" Again, Whitefield prayed, " God give me souls or take my soul!"
May we take it further dear reader, can you pray: “God, Give me revival or I die?”

for more information click here

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